Safe Services – Children

COVID-19 Protective Measures

These measures are taken from current government guidance and will be updated as new guidance is released.

Things to know before you arrive

  • A Risk Assessment has been completed to assess the safety of restarting TW Kids programmes.
  • All touch surfaces in TW Kids rooms will be cleaned thoroughly before and after use.
  • Please continue to bring water and snacks for your children – refreshments will not be available.

When you arrive

  • Upon entering the building, children in Beginners and Seniors age groups should sanitise their hands.
  • Children ages 11 and over must wear a face covering indoors, until they enter the TW Kids room.
  • A single child toilet is available near the TW Kids rooms. The toilet will be cleaned before and after the TW Kids programme, and wiped after each use.
  • Parents should ask their children if they need to use the toilet before entering TW Kids supervision – children under the age of 11 should be accompanied by their parents, to ensure proper hygiene and wiping of touch surfaces after use.
  • At the appropriate time in the service, Crèche and Beginners parents should exit via the one-way system and drop off their children. Seniors will be led out by their leader that week. Interaction between parents and leaders should be kept to a minimum.
  • Each group will maintain a register and the attendance information will be stored in compliance with the TW Data Protection Policy. These details may be used for NHS Test and Trace.

During the service

  • If children stay in the main service, they should be seated with their parents.
  • TW Kids leaders are not required to wear a face covering during TW Kids programmes.
  • Children who are old enough to understand will be encouraged to practice social distancing.
  • Books and games can be shared within the groups. These will be quarantined during the week.
  • Singing in TW Kids groups is permitted, with extra measures to lower the risk of transmission (e.g. 2 metre social distancing, quiet singing, etc.)

After the service

  • After the service, parents should exit via the one-way system and collect their children promptly.
  • Parents should remain socially distanced and avoid interaction while collecting their children.

Group Specific Information

  • To drop off your children, please enter and the exit the room from the outside door. This is to the right of the main venue entrance. You will be directed by the Welcome Team.
  • There is no limit for group size, as long as the appropriate adult-child ratio is maintained.
    Children do not need to socially distance, but leaders will make every effort to remain socially distanced from each other.
  • Children who are old enough should wash their hands or use sanitiser before eating.
  • Shared facilities for children that are difficult to clean, such as soft toys, will not be used. Toys will only be used by the Crèche group, and will be quarantined during the week.
  • Leaders may read stories to the children.
  • To drop off your children, please enter the room from the outside door. This is to the right of the main venue entrance. You will be directed by the Welcome Team.
    Children will be kept in small, consistent groups of 15 or under.
  • Children do not need to socially distance, but they should refrain from physical contact and raised voices, as much as possible. Leaders will make every effort to remain socially distanced from each other.
  • Leaders may read stories to the children.
  • There should be no games involving physical contact.
  • The Seniors room is opposite the main hall entrance. Leaders will guide children to their classroom when it is time to leave the service.
  • Children will not be allowed to enter once the capacity for the room is reached (taking social distancing into account).
  • Children will be kept in small, consistent groups of 15 or under.
  • Tables and chairs will be arranged to ensure social distancing.
  • Children will be given bibles, and they should bring them each week.
  • There will be no games involving physical contact.
  • After the service, leaders will guide children to a meeting point outside the main venue entrance. Parents should collect their children there.